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Aug 16

Messy Motherhood

Brandi Sellerz-Jackson, Doula, Author, Founder

August 16, 1am

Let's face it, motherhood can be...messy. Often times we enter into parenthood with preconceived notions of how it will be and what it will look like; and when it inevitably doesn't go as planned we can feel a bit disenchanted, or even guilty. The thing is, you learn as you go. It's a constant journey of trial and error and the greatest unlock is to embrace the mess!

Brandi is truly a breath of fresh air and has so many tokens of wisdom when it comes to embracing the journey and how to go from surviving to thriving. This circle is going to be magical and a much deserved moment for yourself.

About the Host

Beyond her doula practice, Brandi co-founded Moms in Color and #NotSoPrivateParts, a social media movement to remove the stigma and shame from women's issues and most recently, released her first book On Thriving. She is the mom of 3 boys.

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Here's why we do this: Swehl Circles are intimate sessions. The magic happens between parents who are going through similar pain points, challenges and experiences. We curate each Circle around similar due dates and birth dates and we keep them small so that everyone gets a chance to share. If you need urgent assistance, please reach out to us at . Otherwise, request a Swehl Circle here .