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May 14


Swehl, Amrit Tietz, Cameron Rogers, Dr LA Thoma Gustin, Mysha, Latham Thomas, & Nikki Millman

May 14, 1:30pm

Calling all hot moms! (ps every mom is a hot mom!) Join us for our signature community walk series; we'll boost endorphins, build connections, listen to great music and have an absolute blast. As moms, we all crave community but sometimes in the thralls of parenthood it's just hard to find it or to even create the time or space to build those connections. This is exactly what this walk is for! Good times guaranteed and babies welcome!

Location: Pier 62 @ Hudson River Park

About the Host

Amrit Tietz is a DJ and music curator, and is also the host of the podcast Unhinged that facilitates underrepresented perspectives such as fertility, lactation, pregnancy, parenting techniques & more.

Cameron Rogers is a mental health champion, community curator, and approachable mother who uses her raw voice and relatable humor to cultivate a candid space that reminds her audience they are never alone on their journey. She prides herself on removing the stigma around mental health across her platforms to provide her close-knit community with an open forum, impactful resources, and encouragement to live life simply and imperfectly. When she's not with her two young children, you can find her at the podcast studio recording her relatable and vulnerable podcast, Freckled Foodie & Friends.

Dr LA Thoma Gustin is a wellness advocate, physical therapist, trainer and founder of @daretobeactiveofficial. She is also a mother to her little girl and pregnant with baby number two!

Mysha is a membership community for modern moms who are pregnant or parenting young children. The community's hub cities are New York City, Los Angeles, and Miami, but have members across the United States. The community supports women in their transition to motherhood by curating intimate connections and facilitated experiences in person and virtually. Members are matched to an online pod based on their delivery date and location with other mothers experiencing parenting and child development milestones at the same time.

Latham Thomas is the founder of Mama Glow, a global maternal health and education platform serving birthing people along the childbearing continuum. Named one of Oprah Winfrey’s Super Soul 100, Latham has served as a doula for clients including: Alicia Keys, Anne Hathaway, Ashley Graham, DJ Khaled, Rebecca Minkoff, Tamera Mowry, and more. She is a graduate of Columbia University and author of book two best-selling books; Own Your Glow: A Soulful Guide to Luminous Living And Crowning The Queen Within and Mama Glow: A Hip Guide to Your Fabulous Abundant Pregnancy.

Nikki Millman is the VP of Community at HATCH, a premium lifestyle destination that carries women throughout different stages of pregnancy and motherhood, as well as a partner and Head of Partnerships at At Large Agency. She is also a mom to two little ones, Georgia and Ryder.

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